VPN will offer your company safety and privacy, and safety is certainly the main reason why you should use VPN.

Public internet does not provide the opportunities provided by VPN – to hide IP address, protect data to be sent over the public internet, safe access to data in the case of remote work. VPN can choose the country of origin for its internet connection, thus disguising its location, as well as visit blocked websites (websites blocked by the government).

When switching to VPN, an expert should be involved. Not only because of the reason that switching VPN may turn out to be complicated, but also because of other problems, which may arise after connection to the VPN. For example, an internet connection may not be available after connection to the VPN; occasionally, there may be situations, when everything works initially, but then the VPN stops providing internet access. In the case of such situations, please call the ITAxess team, and we will help you.


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